October 28, 2013

  • A lot of good and a little bad...

    Today, or I should say yesterday as it is after midnight, was WahEGGO's 10th birthday. My parents came down to celebrate and we had a good day. All the way up till the time that my parents left. And even a bit after. He went to his favorite pizza place for food and games. He received a bunch of games and toys he wanted and then played with some friends. He came home and then the had a blow out with LilE.

    We got LilE calmed down and fed. When all that was over we decided to have a movie night. So we pilled stuff in the living room all comfy and pillowy. We started to go out to the garage to get the sleeping bags when the worst thing ever happened.

    The people in the area that we have been having problems with started pelting our house with lightbulbs. They were exploding in our back yard.

    Only thing was, it took us a while to find where the shattering glass was. While BigE was looking around for that LilE was almost to the garage.

    We opened the back door and the people threw another one and it hit close to the door. I ran out to make sure that LilE was safe and found the people starting to come at LilE (he at this point had no idea what was going on) but as soon as they saw me and BigE was right behind they scattered to the wind.

    I know who 2 of the 6 kids were but I can't prove it. We are still not fully cleaned up. We have glass in all our plants including our food plants. So we are going to have to get rid of them most of them were almost fully grown. All my herbs gone covered in shattered glass from the new halogen bulbs.

    After that little ordeal the wee little boys were frightened so we curled up in the various "nests" we made and watched a silly good funny movie. When it was over the kids were still having a problem because we found they tried to get into the boys room. Through the window. The hedge in front of their window is broken down and looks terrible. SO they stayed and slept in the living-room with me. BigE went to his room and slept but then he IS a big boy.

    I hope these kids will get caught by someone that will scare them enough to get them to stop.

    So recap great day.
    Now a mother of kids with 2 digits to their ages (Im feeling old)
    Kid got a few great things for his birthday.
    Slight melt down but came out of it.
    Scary glass all over back yard.
    Great movie.
    Great fun with kids
    Great snuggles
    Need to have another night with movies and popcorn like tonight.

    Now I am off too bed. A it is almost 4 am

Comments (4)

  • oh wow! how scary that the boys would do that to a yard. Can you not call the police and have them patrol? Such vandalism should not go unpunished.
    Happy birthday to your son. My grandson turns 10 tomorrow.

  • Whoa, that's bizarre. You may need to invest in some paint ball guns to defend yourselves. You can have fun as a family learning to use them and when you get proficient, your aim should be good enough to mark the vandals for identification. I wonder if you can get night vision scopes for paint ball guns? This could be fun!

  • Happy belated birthday to WahE but the events that your relate are worrying .
    Are your neighbors helpful?
    Take care Karen

  • Happy birthday to the littlest of the Es. Sorry about vandalising yobos. What little asshats. Grrrrrr. Hope they get caught.

    As for here? All is well, everyone is well. The boy is well & seems to like the job. Likes much better now that he's back on 3rd shift, lol.

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