September 23, 2014

  • What does a neighbor do?

    I am old fashioned. I believe one should know their neighbors, be polite and when you notice a neighbor is in a hard time you help them out, encourage them and even lend a hand when possible.

    This is the way I am trying to raise my kids.

    A month ago, or less, a neighbor’s house was broken into. They destroyed her (my neighbor Tink) back yard. They jumped the fence, destroyed her neatly organized recyclables she collects to turn in when school is out as she is a teacher. It helps when times are hard. So being the lovable kid I raised BigE and WahE wanted to help her out so decided to help. Just after BigE said he would help his job changed and his hours increased so he didn’t have the time to help out. WahE was working to organize and I pitched in to help. We recycled and gave Tink’s daughter (who is 8) the money because she had her piggy bank stolen.

    Before we were half way done getting the recyclables into bags to take, someone came back again and took the 9 bags that were filled. WahE and I stepped up the work and got it all out and recycled before they could come back again. The thieves got away with $30 worth of recyclables.

    She has been trying to get her house fixed since they broke through her sliding glass doors in the back. The HOA is telling her she can’t do this and thats and they haven’t approved of some of the exterior work. She is SUPPOSED to submit paper work. So off to the HOA meeting I went with E’s help. We talked with them and found out they don’t have a problem with the work it is only one person that has a problem with the work. I silly, mean, old, bitter woman. She is the one we have had problems with since moving in. Everyone else told Tink to do the work and that is that.

    So that was 2 weeks ago.

    Last night she came home and was in tears.

    Being that I have been helping her by meeting her when she comes home and going around her house to make sure nothing is out of place, I clearly noticed that she was not doing ok.

    So naturally, I asked her what was going on.

    She just found out that her best teaching friend. The one that works in the class across from hers. The one when she is having a difficult day she looks over and gets a smile from to help her out….she passed away from cancer.

    So tonight, I went over as she was coming home as usual. I had tidied up her back seat so we could just relax and breathe. And spent 2 minutes just doing that.

    She will be ok.

    She just seems so surprised that I am willing to help and do anything I can to make it better for her and let her go little by little.

    She is doing better with the fear. When I started helping out. I was the one that walked around. Then I suggested she walk around with me. Then I walk to the side and she walks around by herself while I kept her in sight. Now ,  I just meet the car, she gets out and walks around on her own. And I only do it if it is dark if it is light I sit by my garage and watch her as she gets into the house.


Comments (6)

  • You are being a good neighbor. We need more good neighbors in the world. Remember Mr. Rogers?

  • You are a example of solidarity between Neighbors, Karen.
    We need of each other.

  • You are a good neighbor Karen. Your support means a lot to her I am sure. I hope she can put some flood lights in her yard or have a burglar alarm put in her home. A little expensive, but will be beneficial to her in the long run.

  • I’m with you. When new neighbors move in, I always take a basket of whatever is ripe in the garden over and introduce myself. I also provide them with a list of my contact information. I’m frequently surprised that they don’t reciprocate. It’s as if they are afraid I’ll make obscene phone calls in the middle of the night or something.

  • Sounds like she’s having a rough time of it lately. You’re a good neighbor! As well everyone should be (but some are not). If the people closest to us (even if it’s just geographically speaking) aren’t willing to help look out for us, we’re kinda in a bad spot, no?

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