August 4, 2013

  • because I am a follower SaintVi's q and a


    What was the last thing you put in your mouth? water

    Have you ever kissed anyone named Matthew? Yes, on the cheek, my brother

    Where was your profile picture taken? At the old downtown appt. swimming pool.

    Can you play guitar hero? yes, but only on mid level and poorly

    Name someone that made you laugh today? Sadly  my kids have been arguing all day so I haven't  found the smile in me yet.

    How late did you stay up last night and why? as I am have a hard time  going to sleep I don't go to sleep till 3 am

    If you could move somewhere else, would you? ABSOLUTELY in a second. In a heartbeat if I had the means  I would do so yesterweek, last month, a few years ago.

    Ever been kissed under fireworks? Yes, most years after I turned 14 I have had someone to kiss till the last 11  years.

    Which of your friends lives closest to you? The ones I am making now. T used to live about 10 miles away but she passed away. But my good friends all live over 4 hours away.

    Do you believe ex's can be friends? Yes, but I'm not good at it. Too many hard feelings 

    How do you feel about Dr Pepper? I like Dr Shasta it is not quite as sweet but if I don't have one I will take a Dr Pepper if I am in the mood..

    When was the last time you cried really hard? 20 minutes ago. I miss my MidEGGO and I miss my lilE and WahE getting along and happy.

    Where are you right now? At home, sitting on the broken couch.

    What bed did you sleep in last night? I don't have a bed. I have a mattress that I use on the floor and fold up in the morning when I get up..

    What was the last thing someone bought for you for dinner? My BigE bought me Sushi

    Who took your profile picture? Me

    Who was the last person you took a picture of? My boys playing at the park

    Was yesterday better than today? No, just the same. It has been since wednesday evening since my kids have been happy.

    Can you live a day without TV? Absolutely!

    Are you mad about anything? Yes, I am mad at myself.

    Are you upset about anything? Yes. pick a topic

    Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? Yes, they are worth more than anything on this earth. I also trust myself in them.

    Are you a bad influence? I have been and can be but when it comes to kids not as much

    Night out or night in? depends on activity and how I am feeling at the moment. Since I hate my house I would always choose out.

    What items could you not go without during the day? My Cell phone!!

    Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? I took my son there.

    What does the last text message in your inbox say? Wish you were here at Tehachapi MT park to play phase 10 with all of us and camp.

    How do you feel about your life right now? ugh

    Do you hate anyone? no, I don't like a few people but hate no that emotion is a bit much

    If we were to look in your Xanga inbox, what would we find? Several email addresses

    Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? yes

    Has anyone ever called you perfect before? no way 

    What song is stuck in your head? tetris theme song thanks to LilE

    Someone knocks on your window at 2am, who do you want it to be? Some friendly person telling me they are giving me a car and a house in a good are so that my boys and I can live peacefully and have a car to get around....oh and a job to be able to support the  two.

    Wanna have grandkids before you’re 50? I don't care. Right now I am tired of kids and need a break. Well I guess I would love to have a baby around that I can give back when I want and maybe a toddler but grandbaby.....not sure.

    Name something you have to do tomorrow? Pick up some bug bombs to get rid of these pesky gnats that have been around my house and won't die.

    Do you think too much or too little? Too much when the kids are in bed. I can't turn off my brain but during the day not as much but still too much

    Who was your last missed call on your Mobile phone? My mother or father but I had just talked to them a few minutes before and they have a habit of pressing redial when they mean to call a different person

    Is there something you always wear? rings, hair clip?

    What were you doing 30 minutes ago? crying and watching a movie

    Did you have an exciting last weekend? yes bige was telling me about comicon

    Did you ever crawl through  a window?  yes, loads of times. Being the smallest in the family if keys got locked in the house it was me that climbed through the transom over the bathroom shower or tubs.

    Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes. Blue was my favorite.

    Are you wearing a necklace? Nope

    Are you an emotional person? More now than I ever have been

    What can always make you feel better? a great movie

    Will this weekend be a good one? Sadly I don't think so, my youngest kids are bent on fighting 

    What do you want right now? get in a car and drive till I am thousands of miles away

    Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing? Many times worn my boyfriend's clothes

    Have you ever worked in a food place? Yes, fish market and cooked fish type place.

    What's on your schedule for tomorrow? getting ready for sending bige on monday.

    Does anyone know your Xanga password? no sometimes I forget even


Comments (4)

  • This is a good way to describe yourself, Karen . I already knew a part of this .Love Michel

  • RYC about the garden ; Yes the garden brings to you a silent calm, very deep . But you have to be present almost everyday because the growth is quick and the weeds quicker yet

  • RYC : Thanks, Karen, for your comment about the weird potatoe! I re-read your answers : how much time Mid E will be away ?Love Michel

  • Some of your responses broke my heart.  I'm sorry you're dealing with some much crap right now. :(

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